Deadly diseases easily contracted by your cat lurk in your environment. Be sure to vaccinate to keep them safe.

Vaccination is quick and easy, contact us on phone or by email to organise a vaccination program customised to your cat’s needs

Diseases such as feline calicivirus, feline herpes, feline panleucopaenia virus & feline aids. can result in your cat becoming severely ill.   These diseases are very expensive to treat, compromise your cat’s quality of life and can often be fatal for your cat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is vaccinating my Cat important?

Vaccinating your cat will protect them against nasty infectious diseases such as feline calicivirus, feline herpes, feline panleucopaenia virus & feline aids.  These diseases live in our environment and can easily infect your cat making them very sick.

Please call us on 66523455 and we will help customise a vaccination program to best suit your cat’s needs.

When do I vaccinate my Cat?

Vaccination programs for cats start when they are approximately 8 weeks of age. Vaccinations require a series of boosters up until 12-16 weeks of age, after this period they will then require annual boosters.

Please call us on 66523455 and we will help customise a vaccination program to best suit your cat’s needs.

What is included in a vaccination visit?

When you bring your cat in for their vaccination appointment our vets will also give them an all over health check which includes examination of; Eyes, Ears, Teeth, Respiratory system, Heart, Joints, Skin and Coat condition.  It is also a great opportunity for you to discuss their body weight, exercise levels, dietary requirements and parasite control.

Remember that your cat ages much quicker than what you do and on average 1 human year equates to 7 cat years.